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Experiencial Learning

At Ryan International, we ensure that along with a high calibre of academics our children inculcate winning habits from a young age. We do this through various character building activities that strengthen their moral fibre and helps them face the rigors of academia and life.

A Lean Approach

The Ryan way is defined as KASSM – Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Social & Moral Values. Values with sound knowledge and the wisdom to use it constructively is what provides the differential factor to our students at Ryan. Ryanites are “Kings and Queens in the Making”. Our institutions provide a learning environment that is adaptable and flexible, facilitating potential changes in the higher education pattern. This is done with an objective to support the new academic paradigm that provides learning for students in a manner most suited to them.

Educational Exchange Programs

At Ryan International, we ensure that along with a high calibre of academics our children inculcate winning habits from a young age. We do this through various character building activities that strengthen their moral fibre and helps them face the rigors of academia and life.