EARTH DAY- Mask making activity

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“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.”
Holding fast the vision ‘Environment’ of our Respected Chairman Sir, Dr. A. F. Pinto, the students of classes IX and X participated in ‘Mask Making’ activity held in the school premises. Students made colourful masks by using waste papers. Masks carried the message of “ Save Earth “, “No Pollution”, “Green Earth, Clean Earth” , “ Save Our Planet”, “ Say No to Polythene” and “Plant Trees to reduce Global Warming”. Students wore those beautiful masks and motivated others to follow the methods to conserve our natural resources and to save our earth from pollution. It was a fun-filled, enjoyable and interesting activity for all the students as they came up with their innovative ideas and imaginations.
The Winners of this event are :
Class X
I Position
i. Khushi Singla ii. Adarsh Kumar iii. Rozee Behera
II Position
i. Ayushi Rai ii. Vanshika Bohra
III Position
i. Aniket Goyal ii. Avni Chadha
Class IX
I Position i. Divyansh Mishra ii. Kartik Adhana
II Position i. Happy Singh ii. Denish Dewatwal
III Position i. Priyanshi Kamboj ii. Sonam Bhardwaj