Workshop On ‘Personality Development And Positive Communication’

workshop by dr. Tushar Guha The school organised a highly beneficial and prodigious workshop on ‘Personality Development and Positive Communication’ by none other than Dr. Tushar Guha, Founder Chairman and Managing Director NRITYANJALI Group and a pioneer in the field of education and psychology. The tailor made programme was highly participative and interactive in nature and catered to the needs of the parents and teachers alike. Through his eye opening workshop, he brought to the fore the urgent need to make concerted efforts to make education more wholesome. He guided the audience on how to direct the children to achieve physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. He advised to channelize the inherent potential to achieve success. He, at the same time, acknowledged the need to encourage the children to abide by the ethics and values at every step. Dr. Tushar Guha spoke about the evolved role of parents in a child’s life and how they must nurture the talent of their child and help him to pursue his passion in life. He recommended being friendly so that child does not hesitate to share the deep hidden secrets and becomes a confident and caring adult. Dr. Guha also interacted with the parents. He answered their queries and gave suitable solutions to their problems. The workshop proved to be an eye opener and motivated the audience to change with time and make a concerted effort to shape the future of the children. The parents profusely thanked the Ryan Group of Institutions and School Head Ms. Peeya Sharma for the opportunity to interact and get enlightened by such a renowned personality.